07. Color and Region Combined

intro text

Combining Color and Region Selections

Now you've seen how to mask out a region of interest in an image. Next, let's combine the mask and color selection to pull only the lane lines out of the image.

Check out the code below. Here we’re doing both the color and region selection steps, requiring that a pixel meet both the mask and color selection requirements to be retained.

color region code

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np

# Read in the image
image = mpimg.imread('test.jpg')

# Grab the x and y sizes and make two copies of the image
# With one copy we'll extract only the pixels that meet our selection,
# then we'll paint those pixels red in the original image to see our selection 
# overlaid on the original.
ysize = image.shape[0]
xsize = image.shape[1]
color_select= np.copy(image)
line_image = np.copy(image)

# Define our color criteria
red_threshold = 0
green_threshold = 0
blue_threshold = 0
rgb_threshold = [red_threshold, green_threshold, blue_threshold]

# Define a triangle region of interest (Note: if you run this code, 
# Keep in mind the origin (x=0, y=0) is in the upper left in image processing
# you'll find these are not sensible values!!
# But you'll get a chance to play with them soon in a quiz ;)
left_bottom = [0, 539]
right_bottom = [900, 300]
apex = [400, 0]

fit_left = np.polyfit((left_bottom[0], apex[0]), (left_bottom[1], apex[1]), 1)
fit_right = np.polyfit((right_bottom[0], apex[0]), (right_bottom[1], apex[1]), 1)
fit_bottom = np.polyfit((left_bottom[0], right_bottom[0]), (left_bottom[1], right_bottom[1]), 1)

# Mask pixels below the threshold
color_thresholds = (image[:,:,0] < rgb_threshold[0]) | \
                    (image[:,:,1] < rgb_threshold[1]) | \
                    (image[:,:,2] < rgb_threshold[2])

# Find the region inside the lines
XX, YY = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, xsize), np.arange(0, ysize))
region_thresholds = (YY > (XX*fit_left[0] + fit_left[1])) & \
                    (YY > (XX*fit_right[0] + fit_right[1])) & \
                    (YY < (XX*fit_bottom[0] + fit_bottom[1]))
# Mask color selection
color_select[color_thresholds] = [0,0,0]
# Find where image is both colored right and in the region
line_image[~color_thresholds & region_thresholds] = [255,0,0]

# Display our two output images

# uncomment if plot does not display
# plt.show()

In the next quiz, you can vary your color selection and the shape of your region mask (vertices of a triangle left_bottom , right_bottom , and apex ), such that you pick out the lane lines and nothing else.